Easiest Way of Learning Friedrich Method in Rubik Cube

 What are the easiest ways to learn the algorithms of Friedrich method of rubik cube

speedcubing algorithms

Learn how to remember the algorithms of Friedrich method easily in this article.


The Friedrich method, also known as CFOP (Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL), is a popular and advanced method for solving the Rubik's Cube. It is more efficient than the beginner's method but requires learning several algorithms. Here are some of the easiest ways to learn the algorithms of the Friedrich method:

Break It Down: Trying to learn all the algorithms at once can be overwhelming. Instead, break the method into its four main steps: Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL. Focus on mastering one step at a time, and only move on to the next step once you feel confident with the previous one.

Cross Algorithms:

The first step is to solve the cross on one face of the Rubik's Cube. There are only four possible states of the cross, and each can be solved with one or two moves. Practice these algorithms until you can do them intuitively.

F2L (First Two Layers) Algorithms:

how to remember f2l algorithms

F2L involves pairing up corner and edge pieces and inserting them into their correct positions simultaneously. Instead of learning algorithms individually, try to understand the concept behind each case and learn to solve them without relying solely on algorithms.

OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) Algorithms:

Speedcubing oll algorithms

OLL algorithms focus on orienting all the pieces on the last layer correctly. There are 57 possible cases in total, but you can use two-step algorithms to reduce the number. Start with the most common cases and gradually add more as you progress. It is not possible for a begineer to  remember all the relevant algorithms. Try to practice one algorithm or two algorithm in a single day and practice it until it becomes the part of your muscle memory.

PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) Algorithms:

Pll algorithms of cube

PLL algorithms involve permuting the last layer's pieces to solve the cube completely. Similar to OLL, you can use two-step algorithms to minimize the number of cases. Learn the most common cases first and work your way up.

Algorithm Visualization:

To memorize algorithms effectively, visualize the movements in your mind or trace them with your finger on a physical cube. This helps build muscle memory and aids recall during solving.

Practice Regularly:

Consistent practice is crucial to internalize algorithms. Set aside some time each day to practice solving with the Friedrich method. The more you practice, the more familiar and quicker you'll become with the algorithms.

Use Online Resources:

There are numerous tutorials, videos, and interactive resources available online that can help you learn the Friedrich method. Websites, YouTube tutorials, and even mobile apps can be valuable tools for learning and practicing.

Join a Cubing Community:

Engaging with other cubers can be motivating and provide helpful tips and insights. Join online cubing forums or attend local cubing meetups if possible.

Remember that learning the Friedrich method requires patience and perseverance. It may take some time to become proficient, but with regular practice and dedication, you can master the method and improve your Rubik's Cube solving skills significantly.

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